We Will Rock You - Theatre Review

After vaudeville became a thing of the past in the 1930's, composers such as the Gershwin Brothers, Moss and Berlin, Rodgers and Hart cranked out loosely structured musicals as showcases for their songs. The shows were witty, the stories simple. They featured singing, dancing, spoken word, and comedy.

We Will Rock You is likewise a musical written in the fashion of the 30's that features the music of the British rock group Queen. The story is loosely structured and extremely witty. Pay attention! The music and dancing is over the top. The costumes are outrageous. Freddy Mercury would have loved every minute of it.

The story takes place in the future when creativity has been banned. Musical instruments are forbidden and the songs have been forgotten. A rebel goes in search, an outcast tags along. There are good guys and bad guys, fighting and dancing, love and laughter, and a joke a minute. The characters are memorable, the performances are fabulous. The story lacked a sensible continuity as did the musicals of the 30's, but with such great music, who cares. It was a great show!

While on our feet with the rest of the audience, my friend and I agreed the only thing missing was Bohemian Rhapsody.  But wait!  Our standing ovation was given back to us in an encore - Bohemian Rhapsody! When Brian May came out front to do his solo, my night was complete.

At the Ahmanson theatre thru Aug 24th, 2014


Posted By Suzanne Birrell on July 29, 2014 03:35 pm | Permalink