No, I Won't Take You To The Airport

A review by Rachel Flanagan.

Be nice, be polite, mind your P's and Q's, go to college, get a job and if you do not have anything nice to say, do not say anything at all.  These are the things that most people are taught as children and children believe that they will grow up and live a fulfilling happy life and get to do whatever it is that they want to dream because no dream is too big to have in life. Courtney Abbiati's No, I Won't Take You To The Airport tells a completely true story of a girl (that girl being herself) who did everything she was supposed to do and ended up freezing behind a desk at a job she hates pretending to be anywhere else.  Courtney, with her theatrical enthusiasm tells her story with a colorful cast of characters that she brings to life on stage in a way that only her imagination could.

Courtney is the youngest of three from a New Jersey family where all she wanted was attention. She shares with the audience how she feels working in the freezing basement of a job she hates selling shirts and ties that are so expensive, no one wants to buy them. How she answers the phone in a way her boss took forever teaching her and how she often imagines she's belle, singing a song at her town library. In the only way that she knows how, No, I Won't Take You To The Airport, uses Abbiati's amazing dialectic skills, colorful imagination and instinctual desire to tell stories to make the audience laugh and feel connected to her as her story is so relatable to almost anyone with a pulse and a sense of humor.

No, I Won't Take You To The Airport, is a hilarious yet endearing one-woman show that not only provides a poignant and true insight into Courtney's personal experiences, but also provides a thoughtful self-reflective look at our own journey through life.  When your stomach is filled up but you are starving for conversation, Courtney Abbiati invites you to be a guest to her comical and entertaining feast of heartfelt stories that will fill you up with sidesplitting joy and genuine emotion.  Go see this show before Courtney takes the big time, because right now, she is sharing her story at the Hudson Theatres but pretty soon, she will be sharing her stories with a national audience once everyone catches wind of her talent.  You will not be disappointed.

No, I Won't Take You To The Airport
Wednesday, April 13 - Wed, June 8 at 8pm

Hudson Mainstage Theatre
6539 Santa Monica Blvd 
Hollywood, CA  90038 
(323) 960-7724

Posted By Rachel Flanagan on April 22, 2016 02:35 pm | Permalink